Students Advocating for an
Equitable & Quality Education.

Fully funded, safe and healthy public schools!

Started in Philly, UrbEd combines community organizing and policy to uplift students, educate communities, and develop coalitions to give students the education they deserve.

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"What Does It Mean to be an Advocate?"

Luke Risher

Co-Founder & Advocacy Advisor

For me being an advocate is definitely an active identity. I think it’s a role that’s always apart of you and a lens through which your view the world.

Londyn Edwards

Director of Communications and Partnerships

Effective advocacy is checking your privilege and making room for the unheard to be heard.

Jemille Duncan

Director of Policy and Research

An effective advocate has to be an eloquent communicator. Language and persuasion are an advocate's bread-and-butter.

Zoey Tweh

Director of Program Development

Advocacy is at the heart of agency, it’s devoting your time to understanding the issues most important, and adding your contribution to the solutions.

Brandon Archer

Co-Executive Director

It is the most integral part of living, of being a community member, a student, it is to see a need for change in your community and become that change.

Ella Burrows

Communications Advisor

Being an advocate is making sure every voice is heard, to make sure I am doing everything I can to uplift students.

Ivy Liu

Community Organizer

To be an advocate is to have passion and determination for things that matter.

Youma Diabira

Community Organizer

Advocacy is most impactful when everyone is open to learn. This means being able to be both the educator and the student, with pride.

Luke Risher

Co-Founder & Advocacy Advisor

For me being an advocate is definitely an active identity. I think it’s a role that’s always apart of you and a lens through which your view the world. But also advocacy isn’t set in stone like there’s only one approach or perspective it’s a fluid changing path. And that’s another reason I’m so grateful for UrbEd where we can be in advocacy in community and continue to push each other and grow.

Londyn Edwards

Director of Communications and Partnerships

Effective advocacy is checking your privilege and making room for the unheard to be heard.

Ellie Zdancewic

Visual Media Manager

Advocacy is uplifting others' voices, and learning when to take a step back. It is understanding that everybody has a unique experience and constantly reevaluating ourselves and our organizations to ensure that everybody has a seat at the table.

Risa Garg

Campaign & Advocacy Manager

To be an advocate is to have passion and determination for things that matter.

Zoey Tweh

Director of Program Development

Advocacy is at the heart of agency, it’s devoting your time to understanding the issues most important, and adding your contribution to the solutions. To advocate is to understand that we all need each other, and that the cause is worth the lifelong commitment of doing more than what’s expected of you.

Brandon Archer

Co-Executive Director

It is the most integral part of living, of being a community member, a student, it is to see a need for change in your community and become that change. To bring people together, develop support networks, and to never stop fighting... It is making sure every voice is heard.

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